Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Trump to form committee 'on radical Islam' if president

     Republican candidate for US president vows to institute "extreme vetting" of immigrants.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said he will introduce "extreme vetting" of immigrants and set up a new "commission on radical Islam" if he wins the US election in November.

In a foreign policy speech on Monday, the billionaire businessman said the goal of the new commission would be to "expose" networks within the US "that support radicalisation".

As president, Trump said, he would ask the state department and department of homeland security to identify regions of the world that remain hostile to the US, and where screening might not be sufficient to catch those who pose a threat.
   [http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/trump-form-committee-radical-islam-president-160815193503383.html] [Trump to form committee 'on radical Islam' if president - News from Al Jazeera] is good,have a look at it![http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/08/trump-form-committee-radical-islam-president-160815193503383.html] [Trump to form committee 'on radical Islam' if president - News from Al Jazeera] is good,have a look at it!